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            Elements Elements are the basic building blocks of a website. They are based on the design foundation and are usually used in modules. Elements can be grouped into segments. Elements and segments cannot stand alone but need to be grouped into modules. To create a standardized appearance for the Continental website, core elements have been created and collected in the design system. Element Categories The design system divides the elements into four categories: Button and Links, Form...
            Icons & Symbols
            Icons & Symbols Universal icons and symbols are the visual expression of usability and utility. When designed to be intuitive, icons and symbols make a website much easier to use. While each icon should be visually distinctive, they must collectively embody a common — and brand-appropriate — style in both concept and execution. For Continental's corporate platform, the icon style is contemporary, friendly, and flat. Icons are designed to be flat rather than linear, in an isometric...
            Typography Continental Stage Sans Continental Stag Sans is the corporate typeface. It conveys the strength, competence and modernity of the brand and at the same time draws attention to headlines without distracting from content. Continental Stag Sans is an easy-on-the-eye sans serif typeface with open counter-forms for maximum legibility. Further information can be found in the Basic Elements. Icons/20x20/Arrow right Purchase standard font Font Styles For Continental Group websites,...
            Teaser Teasers are used to guide the user through the website. Related content can be presented and enables the user to browse the site. It is a great possibility to present and highlight content. Category Overview Content Blocks Icons/20x20/Arrow right Go to Page
            Colors The consistent use of color strengthens our brand and builds trust and recognition. For the design of complex information architectures, a more sophisticated color palette is essential. Continental's corporate platform has been expanded to include gradients. Find all values for our color palette in the Brand Hub. Icons/20x20/Arrow right Go to Brand Hub Our primary colors are Continental Yellow, Continental Black and Continental White. Continental Yellow Color of highest...
            Stages Stages are used at the top of a website and inform the user about the topic of the page. Each page has exactly one stage. Category Overview Content Blocks Icons/20x20/Arrow right Go to Page
            Print Media Use of printed media continues to be relevant, even as digitalization progresses. Brochures, flyers and billboards are used specifically when digital methods are not the best option. This guideline contains everything you could need to know about the layout for all standard DIN formats, advertising formats, posters and banners. Brochures and flyers Brochures are primarily used in marketing communication. These are generally bound media with multiple pages that offer plenty...